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TikTok is paying creators to up its search game

TikTok has introduced a new monetization program called Creator Rewards, where creators will be paid based on their content's "search value," among other metrics. This aligns with TikTok's shift towards acting more like a search engine, encouraging creators to make content that satisfies user searches within the app. The program also emphasizes originality, play duration, and audience engagement to determine creator payouts, replacing the previous $1 billion creator fund with a focus on longer videos.

Discussion (2)

cherri profile image

TikTok encourages creators to use a new tool called Creator Search Insights to research trending searches.

The Creator Search Insights tool is actually really cool if you are looking for ideas and curious what people looks for.

It’s a bit hard to get to, you have to type “Creator Search Insights” in the search bar on tiktok. That wasn’t completely obvious to me.

imdreaming profile image

Some of the suggestions were pretty hilarious. People search for some strange stuff.