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YouTube has AI creator tools, but creators are too busy battling AI to care

Key points:

  • YouTube introduced a suite of new artificial intelligence tools in mid-September, covering various aspects of content creation, but the response from creators has been muted.

  • Generative AI tools have been embraced in various creative fields but have also faced criticism for issues like copyright concerns, plagiarism, and undermining original work.

  • Some creators are concerned that these AI tools, while potentially helpful, might lead to a decline in creativity and originality, and they worry about the use of AI in video creation being undisclosed. There's a focus on the potential downsides rather than excitement about these new AI tools.

Discussion (2)

firesquid profile image
Jeremy Beckler

AI tools in content creation is a double-edged sword. While they offer efficiency and convenience, there's a real concern about their impact on creativity and plagiarism. Transparency tools need to happen in order for AI use to maintain trust in the content we consume.

amysawyama profile image
Amy Sawyama

Most creators are feeling anxiety about AI rather than feeling empowered, I think that’s going to remain a challenge, and most of AI is going to have a sour taste in the mouth of creators until they feel like the ecosystem is stable and transparent.