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Large Creator Ana Wolfermann Quits Influencing For 9-To-5 Job At 23

At just 23 years old, TikTok influencer Ana Wolfermann is walking away from her nearly 1 million followers and lucrative brand deals for a traditional 9-to-5 corporate job. The Notre Dame grad's TikTok following exploded in college as she shared outfit looks and everyday snippets. After graduating, she initially doubled down on influencing full-time given the income potential. But within months, Wolfermann soured on the self-obsessive nature of constantly marketing her personal life and appearance as content. The unrelenting need to create viral videos promoting herself led to anxiety and narcissism.

Beyond the mental strain, she felt intense pressure to endlessly generate engagement. The paradox of social media's promised flexibility was waking up every day solely focused on insignificant details impacting her personal brand. While likely taking a pay cut for now, Wolfermann feels reinvigorated joining the corporate ranks for a steadier work-life balance, coworker relationships, and ability to work towards shared goals beyond just personal branding. Her content creation skills like time management and brand partnership experience are assets she hopes aid her transition into roles like digital marketing and social media. After the indulgences of influencer life, Wolfermann is confident structured team environments better align with her ambitions and well-being beyond treating her entire existence as marketable content.

Discussion (2)

amysawyama profile image
Amy Sawyama

Totally wish the best for her. But one thing bothers me about this story.. anyone who works in a typical corporate environment would know that a 9-5 job is just as mentally taxing. So I don’t quite see this as the “silver bullet” that will solve all problems for mental health. I kind of got that vibe from the way this story unfolds.

drdeception profile image

Exactly. A 9-5 doesn’t immediately eliminate the hardships that come with mental health.

I can understand the stress of being on a global stage in front of large audiences, but changing scenery to a regular is just the first step of trying to wrangle mental health issues.