Criss F
Criss F

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How the porn bots took over Twitter

The article discusses how Twitter's bot problem has escalated since moderation was reduced, leading to an influx of porn bots flooding users' feeds with spammy links. The decline in ad revenue and user experience on Twitter since Elon Musk's takeover is highlighted, along with the concept of "ens***ification," where online platforms degrade over time. The piece also explores the unsustainable business model of social media companies, driven by maximizing engagement at the expense of user well-being.

Discussion (2)

kenshin99 profile image
Kenshin • Edited on

The moderation drop coupled with the concept change of the verification check mark (it’s not even a verification check mark, it’s just a blue check mark you pay for lol) really made Twitter feel less authoritative. Now with the influx of bots, it feels even less useful than ever.

eloitschris profile image
Chris Jul-ul

I swear I see these in every comments thread. It’s to the point where I don’t even click into the thread these days.